EdythCrolley's diary

I do my thing and you do your own. I am not on this planet to live up to your dreams, and furthermore you're not in this world to live up to my own. You are you and I am I, of course, if by chance we find one another, then it is lovely. If it is not, it c

Bunions And Big Toe Pain Causes

Since tor corns mostly develop due to friction from ill-fitted shoes, make sure that you wear shoes that fit you properly. It would be best to wear shoes that have a wide toe box. If you wish to prevent recurrence of corns, make sure that you wear shoes that fit you well. If it is causing a great deal of discomfort, seek medical help to get the underlying cause diagnosed and treated. If a bone deformity is responsible for causing such foot problems, you might need a surgery for correcting the deformity. Different conditions or injuries may cause foot pain and the most common are acute or repeated trauma, disease, or a combination of both. Poor biomechanical alignment resulting from trauma may lead to pain in foot. Wearing high-heeled shoes can cause pain around the ball of the foot including the bones in that area. Meanwhile, too tight shoes may also cause pain and bruises on the top of the foot. Some acute typical injuries such as ligament sprains, muscle sprains, bruises or fractures, may be the result of a single or variety of stresses on the foot. It is one of the most common forefoot deformities. It is a bony prominence caused due to the displacement of bone and tissues around the joint of the big toe. The misalignment manifests in the form of a bump at the base of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Over a period of time, the big toe turns in towards to the second toe. Besides the angulation of the big toe towards the second toe, the tissues around the joint may also get swollen and inflamed. As a result, one might experience bunion pain. In this article, we will look into the causes, symptoms and treatment of this foot problem.bunion pain Most people think a bunion is an abnormal growth of bone at the base of the big toe. This is incorrect (at least in most cases). A bunion is actually a structural problem where the big toe joint becomes subluxed and drifts towards the smaller toes. A displaced bone, called a metatarsal, becomes prominent on the inside of the foot. The bunion simply refers to the enlarged prominent 'knobby' area. Often a doctor will prescribe (non-steroidal) anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. A program of home exercises to stretch your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia are the mainstay of treating the condition and lessening the chance of recurrence. The bony bump can become quite painful from rubbing against shoes. It can swell and get red, hot and inflamed. As the toe tips begin to press together, they will get sore. As the big toe, overlaps the second toe, either over or under, pain occurs not only between the toes but also between the top toe will rub against the top of the shoe, causing painful calluses, corns and ingrown toenails. As painful as my injury-induced bunion was and as painful as my "simple" bunionectomy has been, I would advise everybody to do absolutely everything possible to avoid developing "real" bunions and having them removed! About the Author Pain and deformity are significantly reduced in the majority of patients who undergo bunion surgery. Bunion surgery allows for realignment of the joint. After surgery the foot should be able to carry the body's weight in a more normal fashion. Postoperative orthotics may be recommended to improve foot function and limit excessive forces through the great toe joint. Wearing supportive shoes with orthotics is the long-term solution to prevent the pain from returning. Early treatment and Prevention is always the best way to care for big toe pain so if in doubt seek advice and help is available to you for help today

Ball Of Foot Pain After Bunion Surgery

Plantar Fasciitis, heel pain and heel spurs are best treated with simple, non-surgical methods. However, the longer the heel pain has been present, the longer it takes to fix. Heel pain is best treated by doing some simple stretching exercises, combined with wearing foot orthotics. This way the tension on the Plantar Fascia is being released, treating the cause of the problem, not just the symptom. 2) Arch Pain Treatment of Achilles Tendontis includes rest (or reduced activity), calf stretching and ice packs. Orthotics are recommended to support the arches, thereby reducing the stress on the achilles tendon. 4) Ball of Foot Pain (Metatarsalgia) After initial diagnosis the Podiatrist decides on a 'customised' prescription orthotic. This is followed by a plaster cast of the patients foot (namely a negative or 'female impression') after which the initial cast is sent to the Orthotic Fabrication Laboratory to process further. From this mould a positive or male impression is formed by pouring plaster and the result is an accurate copy of the underfoot. The Orthotist or Orthotic technician fabricates the custom Orthotic that includes all the adjustments as prescribed by the Podiatrist. Now the rigid or semi-rigid Orthotic device is ready for use by the patient. Our feet change sizes based on our activities, the time of day, and as we age—becoming wider or longer with use. Therefore, it is important to periodically re-measure our feet. To properly size a shoe for the right fit, there should be a thumbwidth of space between the longest toe and the end of the shoe when standing. If your shoes are too short, it will cause your toes to scrunch and curl, and over time this can cause painful nerve damage. Shoes should always have enough room for your foot to expand during motion. 4 Steps for Healthy Feet. What is the mainstream treatment for bunions? First off, they often tell you to wear different shoes, ones with a low heel and a wide area for the toes. That alone could do the trick. Sometimes special pads can be placed on the bunion or between the big and second toes, and wearing a toe spacer at night can start to influence the alignment of the toes. If that does not work, there are only a mere 100 different surgical approaches to treat bunions. One of my long time students has had both toes operated on, and says it made a huge difference for her, eliminating the pain. bunion callus MEMPHIS, TN - Prominent podiatrist, Dr. Nathan Lucas, is pleased to offer CoolTouch laser for toenail fungus in Memphis, TN. For patients who are tired of discolored, thick toenails, the CoolTouch laser creates a quick and effective solution for healing fungal toenails in Memphis, TN. You can retrieve the article in plain text form, and set the column width to whatever you like automatically; or you can copy it as HTML, ready to copy and paste directly into a web page. May 25, 2010 By Julie Hampton Photo Caption Twice a year dental exams are recommended for diabetic patients. Photo Credit dentist 07 image by Dragan Bombek from Fotolia.com The goal of hammertoe surgery is to correct the deformity in order to relieve pain and/or restore function to the digit. The degree of surgical intervention will depend on the severity of the deformity. Flexible deformities often require less aggressive surgery. Surgery that decreases the pull of the muscles responsible for the deformity may be used alone or in combination with other procedures at the joint to correct the position of the toes. If the deformity is only partially flexible, or completely rigid, then surgery on the bone structures as well as muscles and joints may be necessary. Diabetics commonly suffer from sensory loss in their feet, also known as neuropathy. Symptoms include numbness, tingling and a sensation of "pins and needles." Decreased sensation in the foot causes injuries to go unnoticed. Left untreated a small injury such as a cut or callus often turns into a diabetic foot ulcers. Foot ulcers commonly become infected; proper treatment is critical to avoid amputation. A person with diabetes should wash feet daily with lukewarm water, advises FamilyDoctor.org. Inspecting feet after washing is critical to identify problem areas. Patients should not treat calluses or bunions at home without speaking to a medical professional first. You Might Also Like Obesity. Dr. Andrew Schneider is a podiatrist in private practice in Houston, TX. He is dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of the feet of his patients and educating the public on foot health. For more information about foot health and solving foot pain, including informative videos, and to order Dr. Schneider's FREE book, visit his website and his blog "Keep Your Feet Feeling Young." Diabetics need to keep their skin clean, soft and dry. It is easy for skin to become dry and cracked because of high glucose levels. It is important to clean feet, lotion them and use a pumice stone to gently scrub away dry, dead skin.